Thursday, March 24, 2011

Countdown begins

Less than 100 days until we stay goodbye to our country apartment and hello to our new city dwellings!

Anyone who has been following my blog from the beginning knows that I never wanted to live in the country. It is much too isolated for me and has made my life very lonely. As soon as we moved in I was counting down the days to move out, and now it's here. We have found another apartment, signed the contract, created an account for them with 2 months rent and set a date. Now we just have to start packing (once again) and get this place cleaned!

Here are some pictures of our new apartment. This is a view from the kitchen looking out at the family room
Family room looking back towards the kitchen
 Main bedroom
Jack's room

That's pretty much it! It is much smaller than anything we've had in a while, but I am so sick of cleaning big places that I can't wait for a small space to take care of.

Here are more things I like:
1. It is all one floor. We have to walk up stairs to get to our apartment, but once we are inside I don't have to worry about stairs!
2. We are the first to live in it since it has been completely refurbished. Everything is new. Even all the appliances. With the apartment we have now it seems everything we touch falls apart. Almost like this place is held together with glue. I can't wait to finally have new things that won't break when we use them.
3. We will live by people again! Our apartment will be in an area with several other apartment buildings so I will have plenty of people around to make friends with (and Jack will have lots of kids to play with). There are at least 5 parks within 5 minutes walk from our place.

And the thing I am looking most forward to:
4. I can walk everywhere! As soon as I can, I am selling my car. Not only is it ridiculously expensive to own a car here (think over $400/month just for auto insurance/car tax/misc. fees) but Jack hates the car and I hate dealing with him in the car. So now we can walk. The grocery store, train station and lake are all within a 5 minute walk. The main part of town is a 10 minute walk. Finally we will be able to be outside more, enjoy the beach more, meet people and hopefully be able to practice my french more.

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